16 Simple and Easy Weight Loss Tips
by Sajmi Salim
These 16 weight loss tips helps in reducing your weight quickly and effectively. All the complete weight loss tips can be put together to get an inclusive weight loss scheme.
1. Firstly, calculate the calories that you need to loss at the end of this weight loss scheme. A general way for the finding out the weight tat you need to lose is by dividing your total weight with 14. Never try to burn extra weight; it would be harmful for your health. Before finding out the weight that you need to lose, you could go for finding your ideal weight.
2. Note the food that you intake and calories that it has. This will help in knowing the daily calorie intakes. Only take food after calculating the calorie they hold.
3. Intake more of fruits and veggies. They contain a large number of nutrients and vitamins. Apart from this they also contain fiber. The intake of Fiberous food item will help in decreasing the absorption of fat in your body.
4. Try to eat food items, which increase your metabolic rate. For example: you can take food rich in fiber. They have the capability to boost the metabolic rate. Oatmeal is a good example for food that is rich in fiber. You can sweeten this with raising, grapes, etc.
5. You can also try replacing simple carbohydrates with complex carbohydrates. simple carbohydrates are digested very fast and the energy level will be up and down whereas complex carbohydrate will take a lot time to digest and will help in augmenting your metabolic rate. Examples of complex carbohydrates are pulpy fruits, brown rice, whole grains, etc.
6. Completely shun the habit of taking fatty food. They will get deposited in your arteries and will cause hypertension. This will not only result in over weight but also in certain illness.
7. Drink as much as water you can. This will help in removing eth toxins from your body. At the same time this will also suppress the appetite. It will flush out the fat in your body and also makes your stomach fill. You could also mix lime with water to get a flavor and to raise the metabolic rate of your body.
8. Limit the intake of red meat. This contains a large amount of fat that is dangerous for your health.
9. Augment the intake of Omega 3 fatty acids. They have the ability to lose weight. They are mainly found in lean fish.
10. Try to eat more frequently. But make sure that you eat in low quantity. This will make you feel full always and reduce your urge to eat more and more. The basic reason behind eating the meals in smaller quantities is that it will get digested easily and not get accumulated in your body.
11. Exercise every day to cut off the extra weight in your body. You can go for cycling, jogging, swimming or even aerobic exercise. The type of exercise that you need to do, completely depends on your comfort. It is not necessary to perform a special kind of exercise. What ever may be the kind of exercise that you perform should be capable of increasing your metabolic rate and should burn the accumulated fat in your body.
12. The first and most important thing that you should remember while choosing the exercise is that, it should be comfortable and also should be enjoyable. So that you don't hesitate to do the exercise everyday.
13. Decrease the time that you take for watching television. Viewing TV will make you lazy and this will increase your fat. Therefore try to engage in different kinds of exercise even while watching TV. You could even dance for your favorite music.
14. I hope you might have heard the famous advertisement quotes that walk when you talk. Try to make this a practice. Try to walk and then talk in a cell phone. You could either walk through a park, garden or even climb the stairs. Even though they are not so deep exercise, they will help in strengthening the lean muscles.
15. Make a slogan for yourself. Eat more and exercise more. If you eat more for some cause make sure you exercise a lot that day to maintain a balance.
16. You can eat vitamin tablets, so that your body gets complete vitamins and minerals required for its normal functioning.
All the above mentioned tips are proven to provide fine results. You will start getting visible results from the second week itself. All the above guidelines are natural will not provide any harmful effects. The weight loss technique that is mentioned above is completely healthy. All that you need to have is strong determination for losing your weight. If you have strong determination to drive you through the entire way you could easily achieve a slim body.
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