Gender Selection Techniques for Influencing Gender of Baby During Pregnancy
by Kristina Ducklow
In order to practice the gender selection techniques for predicting baby gender, the following concepts need to be understood to influence gender of baby during pregnancy:• Male Sperm: X and Y Chromosomes
• Intercourse and Ovulation Timing
• Ovulation Predictor Kits
• Female Acidity and Diet
• Female Orgasms
• Sex Positions
Predicting Baby Gender - Male Sperm: X and Y Chromosomes
Between the male and female, it is the male who determines the gender of baby during pregnancy. The male sperm is made up of two chromosomes: X and Y. The X chromosomes produce girls and the Y chromosomes produce boys. The X chromosomes are larger, slower and live longer. The Y chromosomes are smaller, faster and die quicker.
Predicting Baby Gender - Intercourse and Ovulation Timing
Considering the information about the two chromosomes in male sperm, the timing of intercourse and ovulation become critical in predicting baby gender.
• If you want a girl…engage in intercourse two to three days before ovulation begins. Sperm lives up to five days in the female body. The extra days will give time for the female sperm to beat the male sperm and wait for the arrival of the egg.
• If you want a boy…engage in intercourse one day before or the day of ovulation. As a result, the male sperm will reach the egg before the female sperm.
Predicting Baby Gender - Ovulation Predictor Kits
In order for predicting baby gender to be even possible, a woman must be ovulating to have a chance of getting pregnant. Purchasing an ovulation predictor kit is a great way to know if you are ovulating or not.
Predicting Baby Gender - Female Acidity and Diet
The PH balance inside of females can dictate gender of baby during pregnancy. The more acidic the environment is, the more likely to conceive a girl. Conversely, the more alkaline the environment is, the more likely to conceive a boy. Therefore, the female diet can influence the PH balance and affect predicting baby gender. If a girl is desired, the woman should choose foods such as apples, broccoli and fish.
Predicting Baby Gender - Female Orgasms
In conjunction with the PH balance is the opportunity for a woman to orgasm. Surprisingly, whether or not a woman has an orgasm during sexual intercourse can affect gender of baby during pregnancy. When a woman orgasms, the PH balance becomes more alkaline, which is conducive to a boy. Therefore, the woman should avoid having an orgasm altogether. Conversely, if a boy is desired, the woman should have an orgasm just before or at the same time as her male partner.
Predicting Baby Gender - Sex Positions
Believe it or not, the sexual position used during intercourse can influence gender of baby during pregnancy. If hopes are for a girl, focus on shallow penetration positions like the "missionary position". This position will deposit the sperm away from the cervix, therefore giving an advantage to the slower, longer living female sperm. Deep penetration positions, such as rear entry or "doggy-style", can result in a boy. Essentially, the sperm is delivered right to the doorstep of the cervix so the lazy male sperm has less of a distance to travel.
About the Author
To find out how to">predict baby gender, go to this Predicting Baby Gender website right now!