Fish Soup, Secrets and Health Benefits
by Aliaksandr
Cooking practice counts a lot of cooking techniques, but they are based on two different ways: wet and dry heat. We'll talk about cooking of fish soups.
The basis of many fish dishes is a bouillon. It is also used for preparation of some cold dishes, soups and sauces. How to start cooking bouillon? First of all with choice of a suitable fish for this purpose, you can use almost any fish, as well as some canned fish. Exceptions are fish flatfishes, marlin, swordfish, sea eel, conger eel, flounder, sailfish, bonito, saury, herring, sardines, mackerel, tuna, it is better to fry them.
The most suitable fishes for soup cooking are argentina, batterfish, eelpout, slabs, tooth, bluefish, grenadier, sea trout, sea bream, sea bass, haddock, whiting, a fish-captain, saury, umbrina, hake.
The bouillon extracts soluble substances from the muscle tissue of the fish. A large number of minerals goes into the broth. The process of boiling coagulates the protein, and it is standing on the surface as a foam, which is recommended to remove in order to avoid clouding of a bouillon. All extractives which are located in the soup interact and form new products with a specific taste, smell, color. This is why all fish soups are so tasty and healthy.
There are many recipes of fish soup, but there are some secrets that will help to improve any of them.
Sometimes there is a taste of fat in a soup. It happens when using fatty fish. Sauerkraut, pickles, lemons, vinegar, tomato puree, dried grape wine will help to reduce this taste.
Some fishes have specific tastes and odors (cod, haddock, pike, burbot). You can add more spices in a soup such as: bay leaf, black pepper and spicy greens - dill, parsley and celery, it will help you to mitigate specific tastes and odors.
How to give a golden color to the bouillon? Take an onion, cut crosswise into two pieces and fry it in a pan without using any fat. Then put the blurb in your soup and cook with a fish. For the same purpose you can also use a large chopped roasted carrot.
Daily consumption of the soup has a positive impact on your health. Only fresh and healthy ingredients must be used for soup preparation. Do not store soups for a long time, it is best to cook them more often and eat freshly prepared.
About the Author
Aliaksandr Sharkouski is working in company SIA Weldtrade selling welding machines, welding wires, welding helmets (metinasanas maska), torches etc.