Losing Fat And Looking All That
by Jill Anne White One of the main motivators I used to help me lose fat was the desire to be stronger, faster to keep a step ahead of my fast growing, very fit young son. One of the best side-effects of weight loss are the compliments that are forthcoming from my friends. Now I am not saying I look all that, in fact, I am sure I'm far from it. I do think I am a better looking version of my former self though and I have to admit, it does give me confidence and I like thinking that maybe those second looks I get are for the right reasons now. The odd thing is, I didn't lose weight then start to feel confident about how I was looking. Instead, I began to pay attention to my good points, (we all have them, so go check yours out when you finish reading). Being happy about my best attributes helped put me in a healthy mindset for weight loss. I know many people think to themselves, "I'll be so happy when I lose weight, I'd be happier if I were thinner etc....